Expired October 5, 2020 3:45 AM
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Founded over twenty years ago in Oslo, Norway, the animation studio, Mikrofilm is a group of filmmakers that create love-letters to the unique perspectives in each of their stories. Whether it’s the frustrated titular character in Oscar-winning The Danish Poet, the tenacious runner in The Marathon Diaries, or the contemplative narrator in Oscar-nominated Me and My Moulton; each is treated with a playful sincerity that extends to, and embraces, the audience. It’s enthralling to watch one of their animated works; the worlds they create are dynamic, specific and not a single one of their beautiful frames are wasted (to a point where repeat viewings will reveal moments you may have missed- a kind of visual mischief that leaves the viewer in delight and awe).

-Matthew Corluka

Is it possible to trace the chain of events that led to our own birth? Is our existence just coincidence? Do little things matter? In The Danish Poet the narrator ponders these question as we embark on a holiday to Norway with Kaspar, a poet whose creative well has run dry.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Torill Kove